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What Is Gingivectomy?


Gingivectomy is the removal of gum tissue or gingiva with a surgical operation. In periodontal surgery, this treatment is the oldest surgical technique that is typically performed to enhance the teeth’ aesthetics or prognosis.

Generally, Specialists use gingivectomy to treat diseases such as gingivitis. Additionally, they used it for aesthetic purposes, such as a grin change and excess gum tissue extraction.

Basically, it is a cosmetic dental procedure that transforms the gumline.

How Is Gingivectomy Operated?

Dentists perform a gum reconstructing either with a laser or a traditional scalpel. Both procedures generate the same outcomes; but, they require different steps.

During the laser gingivectomy operation, your doctor employs a high-powered dental laser producing light energy to dissolve gum tissue.

However, during the typical gingivectomies, your specialist uses a manual scalpel to cut out gum tissue excess.

After removing and extracting the diseased tissue, your dentist will attach the resulting gum by stitches and wash the treated area with saline and some special products. To put the patient at ease during the operation, a local anesthetic is used.

Who Is A Suitable Candidate for Gingivectomy Treatment?

Your dentist will advise you to undergo a gingivectomy if you are suffering from a gum crisis caused by aging, gum infections (such as gingivitis), infections, injuries of gum.

Furthermore, gum disease causes holes at the teeth bottom. Such gaps will contribute to plaques and bacterias growth. Their growth will engender further damages.

What Causes Irregular Gum Lines?

Gingivectomy is a proper choice for individuals whose gums cover too many or not enough of their teeth. Gums that are too high will make the teeth look thinner. Crowns and dental implant placement may cause gum deterioration. Genetic causes and periodontal diseases are further indications of gum lines.

Medically Speaking, Is Gum Reconstructing Even Necessary?

Although it is a cosmetic operation, it can also be applied to cure periodontal diseases. In this case, gum reconstructing will be necessary.

What Are The Benefits of Gingivectomy?

The key advantages involve:

If your teeth roots are visible, a gingivectomy will help decrease the exposure to cold, acidic, and sweet substances.

It is a minimally invasive and healthy treatment, ensuring that most patients comfortably heal without side effects or mild ones.

What Are the Side Effects of Gum Reshaping?

Gum reshaping is a healthy and safe procedure. There are some small risks, such as an allergic response, substantial bleeding, or swelling. Relatively small side effects associated with this treatment are also observed. You can catch an infection in rare cases, as mentioned earlier.

Before Gingivectomy Surgery

Gingivectomy surgery is reasonably easy and can be completed right in the office of your dentist. It can be done in 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the gum tissue. Based on the selected treatment, your dentist can either use a laser or a scalpel to strip or add gum tissue. Before the surgery, your dentist will use a special pen to mark the gums to decide how much tissue will be extracted or added.

Before starting the treatment, the medical team will show you what they intend to do to ensure your satisfaction with the outcome. To numb the wound, the dentist injects a local anesthetic into the gums. The dentist uses a scalpel or laser tool to cut away gum tissue. When the gumline has been removed, it is time to reshape it.

Does A Gingivectomy Hurt?

Many periodontic operations aren’t painful, but you may experience some irritation, bleeding gums, and tenderness for the first couple of days after the gingivectomy operation. There is still a small risk of infection, as with any surgical procedure.

After Gingivectomy Surgery

You should be able to discharge from the clinic right away after the procedure. You may not experience discomfort immediately, but the pain may be sharp or more persistent if the numbing wears off a few hours after the treatment. You must eat soft foods to avoid irritations. You can also apply a cold compress if you develop any swellings. Your dentist should give you further explanations for your healing process. For the effects to remain effective, you will need to take care of your gums after your procedure — that involves maintaining good oral hygiene, making healthier food choices, and frequently visiting your dentist. It would be better to prevent smoking, as your gingivectomy results will weaken your periodontal tissue dramatically and even reverse it. It is also essential to avoid spicy, warm, or hot foods and drinks until the gums completely heal.

How Do Scalpel and Laser Methods Compare?

Laser gingivectomy is becoming more frequent because laser technology improvements continue to make devices simpler and cheaper to use. Lasers are also more reliable and allow faster healing and cauterization due to laser fire and a lower risk of infected metal tool infections. Generally, laser procedures are more costly than scalpel procedures. They need more practice, so if dentists are not trained or don’t have the necessary equipment, your dentist can recommend a scalpel gingivectomy.

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